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Holidays and your pet

Finney Veterinary Services • Dec 02, 2022

The holidays can be great times to spend with your pets.

Let’s go over some of the good things to do and keep in mind some bad things that can happen

The holidays can mean a difference in schedules and routines. The kids are home from school more than normal. Adults may have different work schedules than normal (either more days off or working more hours than normal). There may be house guests (both human and their pets) that the pets are not used to and just having more people present than usual can be upsetting to them. Be sure everyone gets along or take precautions to separate those that may have problems with someone new to their turf. Also be sure to keep a close eye on pets when outside doors are opening frequently. You don’t want to have an escapee especially if they are not used to being outdoors.

These changes can mean more time to pamper your furry friends. It may also be confusing to some of them that are used to a set routine. Keep this in mind if they are acting more anxious, changing eating habits, and maybe seeking more or less attention than normal.

There will undoubtably be different foods in the house than are there normally. Some foods that pets definitely must not have include ham, fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate, raisins, grapes, onions, garlic, chives, leeks, gravy, and bones or skin of any kind. Artificial sweeteners containing xylitol can cause liver damage. If you are baking bread, keep the bread dough away from pets. It can swell in the stomach causing a blockage and it produces alcohol that can be poisonous to your pet. Keep an eye on the trash baskets as well. You may have someone that likes to forage in them for leftovers.

Maybe you don’t want them to feel left out completely so here are some things that they are permitted to have while you are enjoying your meal. Green beans, carrots, potatoes (all plain, cooked with no oil, butter, or spices), apple pieces (plain), shredded turkey (no skin), and canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling because it has spices that can make them sick).

Decorations can make your house more fun for guests and family but protect them from your pets by keeping them out of reach. Electric lights are beautiful to look at, but be sure your pets cannot chew on electric cords because of the risk of electrocution. Tinsel and other Christmas tree decorations can cause intestinal irritation and/or blockage. Many flowering indoor plants can make them sick or cause death if eaten so keep these out of reach as well.

A few outdoor items to be careful to avoid are mushrooms, antifreeze, mouse and rat poisons and moth balls.

There is a Pet Poison Control Hotline at 800-213-6680. It is available 24 hours.

Enjoy your holidays and help your pets enjoy them too.

Winter Weather Tips For Pets
By Finney Veterinary Services 11 Oct, 2023
I am including some suggestions to help keep your pet safe and comfortable as they accompany you through the cold winter weather. A sweater or coat can help keep your pet warm while they are outside. Booties can help protect their feet from mud and ice melting chemicals. If they do not or cannot wear booties, be sure to wipe their feet off when they come inside to both keep them from leaving footprints and to clean off anything they may have stepped in while they were outside. If you have an outside pet, be sure they have protected shelter from wind and wet weather and unfrozen drinking water. In extreme cold, bring them inside. Prepare for an extended power outage by having an emergency kit with food, water, any medications they need and blankets to keep them warm. When your inside pet goes outside for exercise during the winter months, be aware of how much cold they can tolerate and remember they will be using more energy and you may need to shorten your walks so they do not get too fatigued. On your walks, stay away from ponds, lakes, and streams so your pet does not get into trouble in the water. Be alert in case they may decide chasing a duck or goose onto an icy pond. They might think it is fun but can be deadly for them if they break through ice. Antifreeze will cause kidney failure and result in death if it is taken internally so clean up any spills or pooling of it immediately. It has a sweet taste and the animals do not know it is harmful to them. A warm engine can be attractive to outdoor cats (and other critters) so check under your car and make some noise before starting your engine to be sure nothing is trapped under the hood. Never leave your pet unattended in your vehicle. You may be away from it longer than planned and the cold is dangerous to them just as leaving them in a hot car in the summer can be dangerous.
By Finney Veterinary Services 24 Mar, 2023
As the weather changes from cold winter to warm and wet springtime, a few things come to mind to be aware of to keep your pets safe and more comfortable.
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